You know the story: the Alpha Male gets the job, the Alpha Male has all the friends, the Alpha Male gets all the attention, and, the Alpha Male gets the girl. This is great if you’re the Alpha Male – the women, the mates, the life – but not so great if you’re on the outside looking in. It’s painful to get looked over for, well, just about everything. Again. For the 100th time in your life.
And in that situation, you can do one of two things:
1. Give up
2. Take control
If you’re the kind of guy who actually wants to become *that* guy instead of just watching, complaining, and failing, here’s how you do it in 4 steps:
Step 1: Stop reading Alpha Male rulebooks
Stop and think about this: when was the last time you watched an Alpha Male sit down and grab a rule book about how to live his life? When was the last time you heard about one listening to a podcast that had rules about how he should and should not behave in different situations?
An Alpha Male isn’t a guy who reads rules in a book or copies things he’s seen other guys do. An Alpha Male is a guy who does what he wants when he wants it. That’s it. That’s all there is. He’s not stuck in his head trying to remember what some guy wrote in his book or how he should stand or where he should look or what he should be thinking about. He’s doing what he knows is right in every moment; purely and simply.
If you’re reading rules on how to act like an Alpha Male, all you’re doing is guaranteeing that you’ll never be an Alpha Male because an Alpha Male doesn’t follow anyone’s rules. An Alpha Male writes his own rules and lives his life according to them.
Step 2: Work out what’s stopping you from being an Alpha Male
At the core, the only thing you need to do to become an Alpha Male is work out what YOU want and then go and do it. Not what might get you laid, not what your parents told you, not what your friends think is cool, just what you know to be right in that moment.
Not that hard, right? Well, obviously it’s harder than it seems otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this article. So why aren’t you doing what you want? What’s stopping you? What’s holding you back? Do peoples perceptions and judgements stop you from doing what you want? It might seem like it, but it’s not. Thousands of people, every day, do things that other people don’t approve of so it can’t be that.
Do the rules handed down to you by your parents get in the way? Maybe, but there are thousands of people all around the world who do things their parents don’t agree with so it can’t be that. Does fear prevent you from doing what you want? It might seem like it, but it’s not. Millions of people experience fear every day, and still do what they want despite the fear.
It’s not other peoples perceptions and judgments or the fear you experience that’s preventing you from doing what you want, it’s just the decisions you’re making when you think other people will judge you.
None of these things physically restrain you. They’re thoughts and feelings that happen inside you, but at no point in time, do they tie you to a chair and tape your mouth shut. The only thing that stops you from doing what you know to be right is the decisions you make in the exact moment when you need to take action.
It’s not other peoples perceptions and judgments that stop you from doing what you know to be right; it’s the decision you make about how you’re going to live your life when you stop to think about other people’s judgments.
It’s not the rules handed down to you from your parents that stop you from pursuing your dreams; it’s the decisions you make when you’re about to break one of their rules.
It’s not fear that stops you from living the life you dream of, it’s the decisions you make when you experience fear.
It’s not anything other than the choices you make in the exact moment when you could be Alpha, that are keeping you beta.
Step 3: Work out how you’re stopping yourself from being an Alpha Male
The Alpha Males are men who just do what they want, when they want to do it.
Are they able to live their life in that manner because people don’t judge them? Definitely not. People still judge them, but they keep doing what they want anyway. Are they able to live their life in that manner because they don’t feel fear? No. Everyone feels fear. Alpha males just keep doing what they want anyway.
Then what’s the difference between you and an Alpha Male you?
They’re simply committed to creating an incredible life and don’t let anything get in their way. They don’t let rules or feelings or anything external stop them from living their life on their terms. Alpha Males simply focus on what they want and don’t stop till they’ve got it. Their attention isn’t turned outwards, it’s turned inwards.
Other people might judge them, other people might talk about them, but they don’t care. They don’t care because they’re not even paying attention to what everyone else is doing. They’re living their life on their terms.
All you need to do to be an Alpha Male is to stop focusing on what other people are thinking, turn your attention inwards and do what you want to do.
Step 4: Get out of your own way
The way to become an Alpha Male isn’t to learn a series of tricks or rules. The way you become an Alpha Male is to get out of your own way and live your life on your terms.
You don’t become an Alpha Male by learning to get everyone’s approval. You become an Alpha Male by living the life you want, regardless of whether or not other peoples approve.
You don’t become an Alpha Male by eradicating fear. You become an Alpha Male by doing what you want, regardless of fear.
If you want to know how to do that, you can read about it in the LifeOS foundations at the top of this page.